Welcome to MSL Northland
MSL Northland is a weekly, half hour televised ministry, produced in Duluth, Minnesota. We bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to you, wherever you’re at. Services are led by pastors from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod from throughout the Arrowhead region of northeastern Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin
Where to find us...
MSL Northland is on Public Access in Duluth, Channel 189
- 5 pm Sundays
- 8:30 pm Tuesdays
- 1:00 am and 6:00 am Wednesdays
- 2:00 pm Fridays
- 8:00 am and 3:30 pm Saturday
1/12 Baptism of our Lord Staff Thompson
1/19 Epiphany 2 Arleigh vonSeggern
1/26 Epiphany 3 John Bonk
2/2 Presentation of our Lord Robert Franck
2/9 Epiphany 5 Matthew Kohl
2/16 Epiphany 6 Marty Mably
2/23 Epiphany 7 Brad Felix
3/2 Transfiguration Brad Felix
3/9 Lent 1 don stauty
3/16 Lent 2 Rick Kelm